Kerala Opening And Vacancy
It being a tourist destination (God?s Own Country), there are many jobs in Kerala.
Kerala has the highest number of State owned enterprises spread over sectors including electrical, electronics, engineering, chemical, pharmaceutical, public utility services and social welfare like Kerala State Textile Corporation, Handicrafts Development Corporation, SIDCO, Kerala Automobiles, Keltron, Electro Ceramics Ltd, Traco Cable Company Ltd. and Kerala Ceramics Ltd. which provide job opportunities like mechanical jobs, electrical jobs, pharma job, delivery jobs, management jobs marketing jobs and accountant jobs etc.
The state's unique heritage, natural beauty and cultural diversity have helped attract tourists from all over the world which has resulted in providing many tourist jobs, hotel management jobs, hospitality jobs and event management jobs etc.
Kerala is one of the leading producers of fish in India. Fishing and its allied activities like drying, processing, packaging, exporting and transporting fisheries provides plenty of job opportunities in the field of export & import and packaging industry.
Handicrafts industry is also a major area of employment generation in the State which creates many weaving jobs, casting jobs, carving jobs, merchandising jobs, sales jobs etc.
To have more information on various other job vacancies in Kerala, register with one of India's leading job portals for better access and better connections.