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IT/Computers - Software
Joining frog means you'll be joining the pond, a global network of studios, each with a thriving in-person and vibrant virtual culture. frogs are curious, collaborative, and courageous, united by our passion for improving the human experience through design, while each bringing our unique and diverse skills and experiences to the table. We draw on our global reach and local knowledge to solve complex problems and design innovative, sustainable solutions that touch hearts and move markets. frogs prize humour, positivity, and community just as highly as performance and outcomes. Our culture is open, flexible, inclusive, and engaging. Working at frog means being empowered to Make Your Mark on every project, in your studio, your community-and the world at large.
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Date Posted: 14/11/2024
Job ID: 100303085
Capgemini was founded by Serge Kampf in 1967 as an enterprise management and data processing company. The company was founded as the Société pour la Gestion de l'Entreprise et le Traitement de l'Information (Sogeti).In 1974 Sogeti acquired Gemini Computers Systems, a US company based in New York.In 1975, having made two major acquisitions of CAP (Centre d'Analyse et de Programmation) and Gemini Computer Systems, and following resolution of a dispute with the similarly named CAP UK over the international use of the name 'CAP', Sogeti renamed itself as CAP Gemini Sogeti.