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Over 8 years of digital IP verification, advanced knowledge of ASIC/SOC Design flow and state of the art verification flow
Proficient with Verilog, System Verilog and UVM.
Good in UVM concepts and SystemVerilog language. (SVA, UVM scoreboard)
Good in defining and developing UVM based verification frameworks, testbenches, processes and flows.
Good in working in Linux and Windows environments.
Familiarity with power aware simulation and firmware/hardware co-verification is a plus.
Familiarity with industry standard high-speed protocols such as USB, PCIE, UFS, SATA, Ethernet is a plus.
Familiarity with industry standard interconnects such as AMBA (AXI, APB, AHB) is a plus.
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Date Posted: 17/11/2024
Job ID: 100611743