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Hi There. We hope this Job Post finds you Well
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Well To discuss your job needs, or just to find out more about us and how call center works, please contact us at any time
Call Sourabh For Telephonic Interview @ 9779924404
We are currently hiring for Chat & E-Mail Process in Premium E-Commerce process
Salary is in range of 15 K to 25 K / Month & will be paid from First day of training.
Is it hard to work in a call center
In reality, working in a call center is like any other service . The primary difference being that all of your customer interactions happen on the phone, either through chat or answering calls each day. ... Call center life is hard work, but the hardest things in life are usually the most rewarding.
Straight-upand HonestApproach
We're Consultants not shiny suited sales people
We're Straightup and Honest. This is reflected in the way we communicate with candidates and how we're open about what we can and can't do. It's also reflected in our approach to candidate care. This approach is fundamental to our culture.
We don't charge any kind of fee or Registration charges for our services
Doing it right now
Being quick out of the blocks is ingrained in our culture. It doesn't matter if it's last thing on a Sunday night, or 6.30am on a Saturday morning, if it needs to be done we'll be available and get cracking.
Being Responsive also means being flexible, helpful and thinking outside of the boxcharacteristics any really good recruitment consultant needs.
Whatever stage of your career you're at, there is a minefield of information about job hunting. How to present your CV. How to present yourself. Knowing your skills. Knowing whether an employer is right for you. What to wear. What not to wear. And much more.
Interested in joining BPO industry
Best Regards,
Sourabh Bakshi
Connecting The Dots
+91 9779924404
Bachelor Of Technology (B.Tech/B.E), 12th Class (XII)
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Date Posted: 31/03/2020
Job ID: 24782850
Sourabh Bakshi ( Proprietor of Connecting the Dots )