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Monitoring all activities related to Civil, Architectural, Structural, Landscaping, Plumbing, Interior
works, External development as per finalized design & drawings.
Review and inspect the contractor capability in term of personnel, equipment and other conditions with
regard to the contract / bid conditions and legal requirements.
Compilation of various statutory authority approvals. Understanding of local Building construction
Maintaining Quality of Civil work at site. Record accurate inspections carried out in line with the site
documents. Following & recording all checklists religiously.
Work permit issuance, work method statement preparation and ensuring all requirements in place before
work initiation as per risk assessment, part of team doing HIRA before activity planning, continuous
physical monitoring of critical activities for safer execution. Should not have Acrophobia.
Implementation of project construction safety guidelines, goods practices in project execution, GMP
and earlier project learnings.
Planning, scheduling and overall budgetary responsibility and Safety for the project(s) they are
responsible for ensuring that projects remain on time schedule and within budget.
PTW system and work permit matrix adherence and personal/direct supervision of ultra-height and
critical works.
Participating & guiding in contractor's TBT in fixed time intervals.
Checking of all incoming material quality & quantity verification and maintaining a record of same and
advise Construction Manager to approve.
Review and comment on GFC drawings / specifications and any other documents that may require for
the project and advise Construction Manager to approve.
Reviewing GFC drawing at site, verifying the drawing with actual detailing at site and recommending
necessary changes in drawing (checking existing structure with details in drawings).
Ensuring issuance of all details and drawings duly stamped for execution of work to the Contractors /
Vendors and Maintaining record
Ensuring all documents are maintained related to site civil works.
Issue GFC / Shop Floor drawings and Documents to contractors and keep update record issued, records
to be maintained.
Daily and Weekly Meeting with Civil Contractors to review Daily and Weekly Progress at site
Preparation of Minutes of Meeting
Collecting Detail from contractors and Data for Preparation of DPR
Doing feasibility assessment & Site inspections.
Making recommendations or alternative solutions for problems before execution.
To coordinate the works of various contractors / sub-contractors / agencies at site
Ensuring Site Supervision of works and materials at every stage
To analyze and approve the concrete mix design, shuttering / centering scheme and infrastructure works
of the Civil Contractor.
Preparation of Change control related to Civil activity
Checking and Verifying of Measurement Sheet and RA Bill of Civil Contractor
Advise project Manager and record wherever applicable any works not carried out in accordance with
the drawings and specifications
Preparation of snag list by monitoring each & every civil activity
Highlight deviations if any to Construction Manager
To inspect and suggest remedial measures for any defects arising in the post construction period
Compilation of all checklists, pre-commissioning, and commissioning reports.
Preparation of mark-ups along with contractor & coordination in preparation of As Built Drawing
Bachelor Of Technology (B.Tech/B.E), Diploma
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Date Posted: 11/06/2024
Job ID: 81436853
Recruitment services.