Engineers are responsible for developing best practices and routines to maintain plant efficiency, improve production rates & quality of product and maintain plant efficiency. They are responsible for modification in existing systems to improve rate and reduce cost of production. Also responsible for engineering of various CAPEX projects, expansion projects & running plant issues. Engineers are responsible to collect data from various departments and generate daily and monthly reports and perform various analysis for deviations.
- Study and Evaluation of Technical part for CAPEX and improvement projects.
- Study, prepare, review and finalize RFQ, DPR, datasheets, PFD, other engineering documents for expansion & new projects. Currently involved in DSA Project & also in trials of pilot plant for brine.
- Provide Technical support to Operation and Maintenance departments.
- To ensure IMS related requirements of department.
- Collect all required data from Process, Bagging and Dispatch, QC lab, RMHS, RODM and UCR departments through their Daily reports and do required calculations(Efficiency, Ratios, Deviation, Targets, Achievements) & share daily & monthly technical reports.