DATA - Scrum Master
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Product Backlog Management
Initializes and updates the Product Backlog
Provides needed methods and tools to insure the delivery velocity of the Sprint and optimize productivity of the Scrum Team.
Facilitates workshops and supports the Product Owner in its approach to prioritization by value.
Challenge the Product Owner if the Product Backlog deliverables do not meet expectations in terms of value.
Animation of the Scrum team following the principles of Scrum methodology
Coaches the Development Team in self-organization and cross-functionality.
Facilitates Scrum Events / Ceremonies (Sprint Planning, Daily Scrums, development work, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective)
Ensures that Agile / Kanban values and principles are in place and used by the team over time.
Ensures that the team members are motivated and committed to promoting rapid and sustainable pace.
Protects the team from external disturbances.
Helps the team to address roadblocks and operational problems and ensures the team is in a continuous improvement spirit.
Project Management
Shares the progress data with the project stakeholders during the Sprint Reviews.
Ensures that the User Stories/ Use cases requested by the Product Owner are mature enough to be implemented in the next Sprint.
Leads the Sprint Planning and ensures that the team is committed to a realistic scope.
Ensures the progress of Daily Meetings and capture the progress and obstacles to deal with.
Ensures the required engineering practices are in place and used over time, in particular, continuous integration daily product.
Animates demonstrations at the end of each product iteration.
Escalades to management (Product Owner, Project Manager, Squad director) the obstacles that s(he) can't handle at her/his level;
Provides the required dashboards to monitor the progress of the product.
Helps the Project Manager to prepare the Steering Committee and attends the meeting.
Ensures the completion of the tasks involved in the Sprint and the definition of next releases in the project.
Contributes with the team to Quality Assurance (QA) measures defined with the RGQE (Quality Manager).