Urgent opening for a Qualified Chartered Accountant in Kolkata having 10 years experience.
Designation - CFO
Office Location - Sarat Bose Road.
Nearest Metro Rabindra Sadan
Experience - Minimum 10 years
Qualification -Qualified CA
CTC - Up to RS 18 Lacs per annum
Industry type - Manufacturing
Working hours 10 am to 7 PM.
Job Profile
BasicFunction:CFOisaccountablefortheadministrative,financial,andriskmanagementoperationsofthecompany,toincludethedevelopmentofFinancial and operational strategy, metrics tied to that strategy, and the on-goingDevelopment and monitoring of control systems designed to preserve companyAssetsandreportaccuratefinancialresults.Principalaccountabilitiesare:
- Developfinancial andtaxstrategies
- Managethecapitalrequiredandbudgetingprocesses
- Develop performance measures that support the company
- Facilitatecreditratingofthecompany
- Managethetreasuryfunction
- Managecashflow
- Implementingbudgetingprocessacrosstheorganization
- Overseesecretarialfunctions
- Overseelegalissues
- Facilitatetaxplanning
- Implementoperationalbestpractices
- Facilitate in Acquisition of new business, merger, and joint venture to ensuresuccessful transition with clarity in terms of business deal as also pays backPeriodasperplan.
- Supervise in the event of acquisition due diligence by appropriate 3 rd partyandplaysignificantroletonegotiateacquisitionsandjointventures.
- Internal Audit Strengthen and oversee internal audit function.
- Overseetheissuanceoffinancialinformation
- Report financial results to the board of directors and contributein strategicdecisionbytheboardofdirectors.
- Understandandmitigatekeyelementsofthecompany'sriskprofile
- Monitor all open legal issues involving the company, and legal issuesaffectingtheorganization
- Manage and monitor all legal issues (arbitration, legal, civil, criminal) ofthecompany
- Constructandmonitorreliablecontrolsystems
- Ensure that the company complies with all legal and regulatoryrequirements
- Ensurethatrecord keepingmeetstherequirementsofauditorsandgovernmentagencies
- Create, manage and continuously update risk mitigation for each and everyproject
- Monitorcashbalancesand cashforecasts
- Arrangeforfinancing
- Ensureinterestcostismaintainbelowprescribedlimit
- Forecastfuturebusinessfinancialneedsandprearrangecapitalaccordingly
- Constantly review and monitor current portfolio of funds from differentsources
- Identify and add new modes and sources of funding.
- Maintainbankingrelationships
- Maintainratingagenciesrelationship
- Maintain Third party (Auditors, Independent Directors, ROC, Others)Relationship