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Chartered Accountant

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Job Description

Urgent opening for a Qualified Chartered Accountant in Kolkata having 10 years experience.

Designation - CFO

Office Location - Sarat Bose Road.

Nearest Metro Rabindra Sadan

Experience - Minimum 10 years

Qualification -Qualified CA

CTC - Up to RS 18 Lacs per annum

Industry type - Manufacturing

Working hours 10 am to 7 PM.

Job Profile

BasicFunction:CFOisaccountablefortheadministrative,financial,andriskmanagementoperationsofthecompany,toincludethedevelopmentofFinancial and operational strategy, metrics tied to that strategy, and the on-goingDevelopment and monitoring of control systems designed to preserve companyAssetsandreportaccuratefinancialresults.Principalaccountabilitiesare:


  • Developfinancial andtaxstrategies
  • Managethecapitalrequiredandbudgetingprocesses
  • Develop performance measures that support the company


  1. Facilitatecreditratingofthecompany
  2. Managethetreasuryfunction
  3. Managecashflow
  4. Implementingbudgetingprocessacrosstheorganization
  5. Overseesecretarialfunctions
  6. Overseelegalissues
  7. Facilitatetaxplanning
  8. Implementoperationalbestpractices
  9. Facilitate in Acquisition of new business, merger, and joint venture to ensuresuccessful transition with clarity in terms of business deal as also pays backPeriodasperplan.
  10. Supervise in the event of acquisition due diligence by appropriate 3 rd partyandplaysignificantroletonegotiateacquisitionsandjointventures.
  11. Internal Audit Strengthen and oversee internal audit function.


  1. Overseetheissuanceoffinancialinformation
  2. Report financial results to the board of directors and contributein strategicdecisionbytheboardofdirectors.


  1. Understandandmitigatekeyelementsofthecompany'sriskprofile
  2. Monitor all open legal issues involving the company, and legal issuesaffectingtheorganization
  3. Manage and monitor all legal issues (arbitration, legal, civil, criminal) ofthecompany
  4. Constructandmonitorreliablecontrolsystems
  5. Ensure that the company complies with all legal and regulatoryrequirements
  6. Ensurethatrecord keepingmeetstherequirementsofauditorsandgovernmentagencies
  7. Create, manage and continuously update risk mitigation for each and everyproject


  1. Monitorcashbalancesand cashforecasts
  2. Arrangeforfinancing
  3. Ensureinterestcostismaintainbelowprescribedlimit
  4. Forecastfuturebusinessfinancialneedsandprearrangecapitalaccordingly
  5. Constantly review and monitor current portfolio of funds from differentsources
  6. Identify and add new modes and sources of funding.


  • Maintainbankingrelationships
  • Maintainratingagenciesrelationship
  • Maintain Third party (Auditors, Independent Directors, ROC, Others)Relationship

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Job Type:Permanent Job

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Date Posted: 27/06/2024

Job ID: 83259173

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