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Top 28 Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions and Answers

Mechanical Engineering is the most difficult yet the most pursued field of all. There are different subjects in which one can specialize. Theoretical as well as practical knowledge is essential and adds up much value to the area.

These mechanical interview questions will help understand what kind of basic questions are asked in the mechanical engineering interview. 

The start of the interview is generally an ice breaker where general credential verification questions are asked.

These mechanical interview questions are generally asked to verify the information mentioned in the CV and how well the candidate is aware of their year of passing, grades and personality. This is an essential part of not only mechanical interview questions but for any interview for that matter.

Here we have curated a list of mechanical interview questions for your understanding:

Basic Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions and Answers

1. Tell me something about yourself.

A: While answering such mechanical interview questions, always remember that you should not repeat whatever is written in your resume. You can start by announcing your name and then about your family place of birth, any achievements, and goals in life. You must learn the answer to this question but answer it as naturally as possible.

2. What do you know about our company?

A: You must be well aware of the products of the company, its member base, employees, its achievements, the commencement of business, etc. Social media is the best way to get unique information about the company. You can find all the relevant information about the company on the company website rather than finding it out on different websites.

3. Which subject did you find the most difficult in college?

A: The subject which I found the most challenging is Thermal Engineering because the formulas are difficult to visualize and need deep study, which requires too much attention.

4. Which was your favorite subject in college?

A: My favorite subject in college was Engineering Drawing. First of all, it is all about drawing, and secondly, because there are no formulas, it is just about visualizing, and it is all about engineering.

5. What special skills should one possess to be a successful mechanical engineer?

A: You must be very careful while answering these mechanical interview questions as they can be a little tricky, you could say; Curiosity to learn new things every day and executing the machines learned in daily life makes a person successful in their career. Other than this, strong physical work and a quick understanding of mechanisms are also very crucial.

6. Why do you want to work at our company?

A: Express how the company will help you hone your existing skills and build new ones. Also, it will give you excellent exposure to learn and grow. Do deep research about the company and talk about the unique findings of the company and how it makes you curious to work in the company. Also, you can praise the achievements of the company. This is a tricky mechanical interview question.

Technical Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions and Answers

Technical Questions are the most crucial part of mechanical interview questions as this is the section from which the interviewer comes to know about the candidate’s knowledge.

7. What do you mean by auto ignition temperature?

A: Auto ignition temperature is the lowest temperature of a substance. It is a state in which it ignites in a familiar atmosphere without an external source of ignition. This is the temperature required to give the activation energy needed for combustion.

8. What is the primary difference between a petrol engine and a diesel engine?

A: The primary difference between a petrol engine and a diesel engine is that a petrol engine works using spark plugs to ignite the air and fuel mixture. On the other hand, diesel engines rely on compression with no spark plugs.

9. What is meant by cavitation?

A: Cavitation is the formation of bubbles of vapour within a liquid at a low temperature. It is seen in fluids that are treated at high velocities. For example, working in water turbines and centrifugal pumps.

Intermediate Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions and Answers

10. What is the reason behind the cylindrical shape of gas cylinders?

A: The reason behind the cylindrical shape of gas cylinders is that they can withstand pressure if made in that shape. Though it is very cost effective to make it in a cylindrical shape, it can withstand high internal gas.

11. List some gases which can be used in place of nitrogen while welding.

A: Helium, Argon and Carbon dioxide can be used in place of nitrogen while welding.

12. Can we use motor oil in the Hydraulic system?

A: For this mechanical interview question you could say; Of course, motor oil can be used in the hydraulic system. But one should avoid using it as the sulphur content in motor oil is very low and contains tackifiers and many other elements that can harm seals and other parts of the system. Hence, hydraulic fluids should be used.

13. What do you mean by orthographic drawing?

A: Orthographic drawing is the three-dimensional representation of any object. This drawing is made so that if a paper is folded, it will look three dimensional. The three sides of this drawing are called plan view, front view and side view.

14. What is meant by FOF?

A: The complete form of FOF is Face of Flange. It is used to determine the flange sizes to avoid mistakes in the measurements of vertical or horizontal pipelines.

15. What do you know about NPSH in pumps?

A: This is an important mechanical interview question. The complete form of NPSH is Net Positive Suction Head. It is the difference between 2 components: stagnation suction pressure at the pump’s inlet and vapour force at the inlet temperature.

16. What are the main components present in stainless steel and alloy steel?

A: The main components present in stainless steel and alloy are that stainless steels are steels that have steels containing at least 10.5% of chromium and less than 1.2% of carbon and other alloying elements. At the same time, alloy steels are made of iron, carbon, and other elements such as silicon, nickel, vanadium, copper, manganese, and chromium.

17. What is the coefficient of performance?

A: The coefficient of performance is a ratio of proper heating and cooling provided to work. The higher the coefficient of performance, the higher the efficiency and the lower the coefficient of performance, the lower the efficiency. It is also directly related to the cost.

18. What is a periscope?

A: This is a frequently asked mechanical interview question. A periscope is a device used for observation over, around or even through an object or obstacle, which will save the direct line of sight from an observer’s position. In real life, these are commonly seen in submarines to check on the obstacles or the enemies.

19. What is ferrite, and what are its applications in daily life?

A: Ferrite is a type of material made by mixing iron and oxide in large proportions. They are also blended with other metals such as barium, strontium, manganese, nickel and zinc. They are widely used in the electronics industry to make high-frequency inductors, transformers, antennas, and many microwave components.

Advance Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions and Answers

20. Why is it not advised to use galvanized pipes for steam lines?

A: Galvanized pipes usually are not used in steam lines because the high temperature of the steam may flake off the zinc coat on the pipes. The flaked coating may lead to an explosion because of clogging.

21. What do you mean by tolerance analysis?

A: For this mechanical interview question you could answer; Tolerance analysis is a general term that means studying variation in machine parts and electrical systems. It determines the variation on products stemming from imperfections. Both the original interpretation and combined variation are defined in the assembly.

22. What is the Curie point?

A: Curie point is also called Curie temperature. It is a temperature at which a magnetic element faces a significant change in its magnetic properties. Sometimes, the materials also tend to lose their permanent magnetic properties, which must be replaced by induced magnetism.

23. What do you mean by feasibility study?

A: Feasibility study is a way to know the market requirements or the ventures that need to be undertaken based on the wants of the potential market. It helps the businessman to know if the business can actually be successful or not and if yes, then grab the opportunity. It allows you to know the pros and cons of the study.

24. What are the disadvantages of gear drive?

A: The disadvantages of gear drive are:

  • When shafts are distant from each other, they are not very useful.
  • There is a lot of disturbance in the form of noise and vibration at high speed.
  • It requires to be lubricated constantly.
  • There is very little scope for flexibility.

25. Which are the different types of screws?

A: The different types of screws are:

  • Wood Screw: These screws are used to attach the pieces of timber wood.
  • Concrete screw: To attach materials to concrete, stainless steel or carbon steel, screws are used.
  • Masonry screw: These screws have a blue coating and are inserted into a pilot hole.
  • Dowel Screw: These screws are also called double ended screws and have two pointed ends and no head.
  • Drive Screw: These have a smooth texture and are round in shape. These are also called mushroom headed screws.

Situational Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions and Answers

These questions are an important part of mechanical interview questions as they will reveal how well you work under certain situations. There are questions based on the past as well as questions which are likely to happen on the job role.

26. What will be your next move if you do not get desired results from a prototype?

A: Prototypes are meant for trial and error. Hence, I will not be upset if the first attempt is wrong. Instead, I will list down the mistakes and imagine using new techniques as to how successful the prototype will be if specific changes are made.  

27. Are you open to working in rotational shifts someday if there is too much work pending?

A: For this situational mechanical interview question, you could say; As I am at the very start of my career, I am open to work in any shift, and I am keen to learn new things, which will motivate me to work in whichever shift is allotted to me. I understand this is a very struggling phase, and I will try my best to give the company the desired results.

28. Can you explain the working of a machine to a person who does not belong to the mechanical field?

A: Absolutely yes, I will describe the working of a machine to that person by not using too many technical terms, which will make it easier for a non-specialist to understand. Moreover, I will first explain the purpose of the machine to that person.

Not only this, but the AutoCAD interview questions are also a very important part of mechanical interview questions. These few job interview questions will help you revise the essential things you have learnt in college in just a few minutes.

The ice breaker questions are mandatorily asked, but more focus is on the technical questions because mechanical engineering is all about technicality. More than information about these concepts, self-confidence will help you a lot in excelling in the interview.

Mechanical engineering is a very interesting field as you get to experience and apply theoretical knowledge in real life. Many other technician interview questions are very crucial to learn, which have a good chance of being asked. 

More Resources :

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