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Best LINQ Interview Questions and Answers

Getting ready for the interview is the first step towards landing a job. After researching, you feel more prepared, at ease, and confident.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of commonly asked LINQ interview questions and answers to help you ace the tech interview. 

LINQ, short for Language Integrated Query, is a cool tool in the .NET world. It’s like using Google to ask questions but for all sorts of data, like stuff in your computer, databases, and special files.

LINQ is awesome because it helps make the computer code simpler and easier to figure out. Plus, you can use the same LINQ trick to ask different questions. Read the top LINQ interview questions and answers below:-

List of LINQ Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. What is LINQ?

Ans. LINQ, or Language Integrated Query, allows us to write queries for local and remote data sources such as XML, SQL, etc. LINQ will work on any collection class that gears the IEnumerable interface.

Q2. What do you mean by Query and Sequence operators in LINQ?

Ans. The sequence is a collection class that you want to query. An Element is a single item in the collection class, and the class must implement the IEnumerable interface.

Query operators take the sequence as input, process it and return the new result sequence.

Q3. Define Extension Methods.

Ans. Extension methods are static functions of a static class. These methods can be invoked similarly to the syntax of the instance method. These methods are used when a class shouldn’t be modified.

Q4. What are Anonymous data types?

Ans. Anonymous types are types that are generated by the compiler upon runtime. We don’t need to specify a name when we create an anonymous type. Only property names are created, and values are assigned to them at runtime.

In LINQ, anonymous types are also used to save intermediate results. However, anonymous types cannot implement interfaces specifying or defining static methods.

All defined properties must be initialised, and only public fields can be defined.

Q5. What is an Anonymous function?

Ans. An Anonymous function is a function without a name. In an Anonymous function, we only define parameters and write the code in curly braces.

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Q6. Explain Lambda Expression.

Ans. The lambda expression is a shortcut to writing delegates. It is also used to write inline functions that can be passed as arguments to a function or returned as arguments from a function.

The syntax of a Lambda expression is:
We specify the input parameters on the left, the lambda operator in the middle, and the expression or statement block on the right.

Q7. What is meant by Action in LINQ?

Ans. Action refers to the general delegates belonging to the base class library of .NET. In Action, we can store only methods with input parameters and void return types. Up to 16 parameters can be specified.

Q8. What is a Predicate delegate in LINQ?

Ans. The .NET library’s base class provides the Predicate delegate. In Predicate, we can store only methods with one input parameter and a bool return type.

Predicate delegates are useful in scenarios where filtering is needed, such as a list.

Q9. What is the advantage of LINQ over stored procedures?

Ans. It is very difficult to debug stored procedures, but it is relatively easy to debug LINQ queries with Visual Studio’s debugger.

For stored procedures, we need to provide an additional script for deployment, but with LINQ, deployment is easy because all the code gets compiled into one DLL.

LINQ is type-safe. Hence, query errors are checked at compile time.

Q10. What is the advantage of using the LINQ Dataset?

Ans. We can run strongly typed queries on datasets using LINQ.

LINQ is useful for combining the values of 2 datasets or extracting a unique value from a dataset.

With LINQ, you can query a dataset more effectively and with more features than ADO. NET.

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Q11. What are LINQ query expressions?

Ans. A LINQ query expression has a combination of instructions for filtering, sorting, joining or grouping the source data.

LINQ query expression syntax is very similar to the SQL syntax.

Q12. What is PLINQ?

Ans. PLINQ is a Parallel Language Integrated Query. In PLINQ, a query can be executed using many processors. During execution, Software can be made scalable across environments. Apart from supporting all operators in LINQ, PLINQ also runs many LINQ queries simultaneously.

Q13. What is the difference between the Take and Skip clause?

Ans. The Take clause returns only a specified number of elements. On the other hand, the Skip clause skips a specified number of elements and returns the rest only.

Intermediate Questions

Q14. What is deferred execution and immediate execution in LINQ?

Ans. Deferred execution means that the query execution is delayed until the query variable is iterated over, typically used for each method or method like ToList(). Immediate execution means the query is executed, and the results are obtained immediately, which occurs with methods like ToList(), Count(), First(), etc.

Q15. Explain the difference between ‘Select’ and ‘SelectMany’ in LINQ.

Ans. Select is used to project each collection element into a new form. SelectMany projects each collection element into an IEnumerable<T> and flatten the resulting sequences into a single sequence.

Q16. What is the purpose of the ‘GroupBy’ operator in LINQ?

Ans. The GroupBy operator in LINQ groups sequence elements based on a specified key selector function. It returns a sequence of groups, where each group is a collection of elements that share a standard key.

Q17. What is the difference between First() and FirstOrDefault()?

Ans. First() returns the first element of a sequence and throws an exception if the sequence is empty. FirstOrDefault() returns the first element of a sequence or a default value (e.g., null for reference types) if the sequence is empty.

Advanced Questions

Q18.How does the Join operator work in LINQ?

Ans. The Join operator correlates elements from two sequences based on matching keys. It uses a key selector function to identify matching elements and projects the results into a new form.

var query = from a in collection

            join b in collectionB on a.Key equals b.Key

            select new ;

Q19. Explain the Expression<Func<T, bool>> type and its use in LINQ.

Ans. Expression<Func<T, bool>> is a delegate that represents a lambda expression. In LINQ, it’s often used to create query expressions that can be translated to other query languages (e.g., SQL). It’s particularly useful in LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework, where the expression tree is parsed and converted to SQL queries.

Q20. What is the AsEnumerable method, and when should it be used?

Ans. The AsEnumerable method casts or converts an IQueryable<T> to an IEnumerable<T>. This method is useful when you force the query to be executed in memory rather than being further translated into SQL by the query provider.

Q21. Can you explain how LINQ to SQL handles lazy loading?

Ans. In LINQ to SQL, lazy loading is the process of loading related entities only when they are accessed. By default, LINQ to SQL uses lazy loading for related entities, meaning related data is not loaded until the navigation property is accessed for the first time.

Q22. Describe how the ‘let’  keyword is used in a LINQ query.

Ans. The ‘let’ keyword in a LINQ query introduces a new range variable and stores the result of a sub-expression. This can simplify complex queries by avoiding repeated calculations and making the query more readable.

var query = from item in collection

            let temp = item.Property * 2

            where temp > 10

            select new ;

Q23. What are some performance considerations when using LINQ?

Ans. Performance considerations when using LINQ include:

  • Deferred Execution: Understanding when queries are executed to avoid multiple executions. Efficient Queries: Writing queries that can be translated efficiently into SQL.
  • Projection: Using Select to project only the necessary fields.
  • AsNoTracking: Use AsNoTracking in Entity Framework to avoid unnecessary entity-tracking for read-only queries.
  • Avoiding Complex Queries: Breaking down complex queries into simpler parts to improve readability and performance.


The most important and frequent LINQ interview questions and answers for 2024 are listed here. The questions and answers cover both fundamental and complex LINQ topics. You will undoubtedly pass your technical job interviews using the topics you revised from this blog post on LINQ interview questions. However, you should ensure you completely understand all the concepts and don’t merely memorise the LINQ interview questions by heart. You will undoubtedly land your ideal job if you comprehend the material and become ready for the HR interview.

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